Rayavadee Thai Restaurant and Bar


Royal Thai Cuisine

À la carte

You may choose between Jasmine rice or Riceberry rice for your meal.

The rice we serve comes from the mountainous regions of northern Thailand, where it is allowed to grow slowly at high altitude. Jasmine rice from Phayao. The aromatic pearly white grains are known for their great flavour and firm texture. A perfect accompaniment to most dishes. Riceberry rice from Chian-Rai. This unique rice is a cross between jasmine rice and black rice. The dark purple grains are packed with antioxidants and have a slightly nutty flavour.

ต้องการสั่งอาหารพิเศษ กรุณาสอบถามพนักงานประจำร้านขอบคุณค่ะ

The strength of the food can be increased or decreased as desired

A little strong °° Strong °°° Very strong

Dinner for two (for two people) 498:-

ปอเปี๊ยะผัก Poh Piah °

Vegetarian spring rolls with sweet chilli sauce

สะเต๊ะเนื้อ Satay Ox fillet °

Beef fillet skewers with peanut sauce

ไก่ผัดเม็ดมะม่วง Gai Paad Meat Ma Muang °

Stir-fried chicken with vegetables and cashew nuts

แกงเผ็ดเป็ดย่าง Gaeng Phed Ped Yang °°°

Roast duck in red curry and coconut milk

Menu 1 (for one person) 458:-

ต้มยำกุ้งน้ำข้น Tom Yaam Goong °°°

Shrimp soup with chilli and lime juice and coconut milk

เป็ดย่าง Ped Yang

Thai style roast duck with vegetables


Fried banana with ice cream

กาแฟ/ชาร้อน Coffee/Tea

Menu 2 (for one person) 498:-

ส้มตำไทย Soom Taam Papaya salad °°°°

Thai papaya salad with dried shrimp, chilli, lime juice and peanuts

ถุงทอง Tung tong

Deep fried bags filled with pork and shrimp with sweet chilli sauce

แกงเผ็ดเป็ดย่าง Gaeng Phed Ped Yang °°°°

Roast duck in red curry and coconut milk


Fried banana with ice cream

กาแฟ/ชาร้อน Coffee/Tea

Starters / Main course

1 ปอเปี๊ยะกุ้ง Poh Piah Goong ° 118:-

Spring rolls stuffed with prawns with sweet chilli sauce

เกื๊ยวทอดไส้ไก่ Deep fried Wontun Chicken

Deep fried dim sum chicken with sweet chilli sauce

ถุงทอง Tung tong

Deep fried bags filled with pork mince and prawns with sweet chilli sauce

Starter Main course

2 ทอดมันปลา Tod Man Pla °° 118:- 248:-

Fish cake with sweet chilli sauce peanuts with cucumber salad

3 ยำเนื้อ Yaam Nuea °°° 118:- 248:-

Thai salad with shredded beef fillet, onion, chilli and lime juice and cashew nuts

4 ส้มตำไทย Soom Taam Papaya salad °°° 118:- 248:-

Thai papaya salad with dried shrimps, chilli, lime juice and peanuts


Starter Main course

5 ต้มยำกุ้งน้ำข้น Tom Yaam Goong °°° 128:- 258:-

Shrimp soup with chilli and lime juice and coconut milk

6 ต้มข่าไก่ Tom Kha Gai °°118:-238:-

Chicken soup with coconut milk and lime juice

Skewers / Satay

Starter / Main course

7 สะเต๊ะไก่ Satay Gai ° 88:- 238:-

Chicken fillet skewers with peanut sauce and cucumber salad

8 สะเต๊ะหมู Satay Moo °88:-238:-

Pork fillet skewers with peanut sauce and cucumber salad

9 สะเต๊ะกุ้ง Satay Goong °88:-248:-

Grilled king prawn skewers with peanut sauce and cucumber salad

10 สะเต๊ะเนื้อ Satay Nua °88:-248:-

Beef fillet skewers with peanut sauce and cucumber salad

11 สะเต๊ะรวม Mix Satay °258:-

Mix skewers with chicken fillet, pork fillet, scampi and beef fillet with peanut sauce and cucumber salad

House Special

12 สะเต๊ะ ไก่,กุ้ง ปอเปี๊ยะผัก Skewers and vegetarian spring rolls °258:-

Mix plate: Skewers (chicken and scampi) with vegetarian spring rolls,

Served with peanut sauce, sweet chilli sauce and cucumber salad

13 กุ้งไก่ผัดน้ำพริกเผา Goong-Gai Paad Nam Prik Paw °°258:-

Stir-fried chicken and scampi with vegetables and chilli paste

14 กุ้งไก่ผัดเม็ดมะม่วง Goong-Gai Paad Meat Ma Muang °258:-

Stir-fried chicken and scampi with vegetables and cashew nuts

15 ข้าวผัดกุ้งไก่ Khao Paad Goong-Gai 258:-

Fried rice with egg, vegetables, pineapple, chicken and scampi

16 ผัดไทยกุ้งไก่ Paad Thai Goong-Gai 258:-

Stir-fried rice noodles or glass noodles with chicken, scampi, tofu, egg, vegetables and bean sprouts, topped with crushed peanuts and lime wedge

17 กะเพรากุ้งปลาหมึกับไข่ดาว Gai Grapao °°° (Recommended)248:-

Wokked Scampi and Squid with wild onion, chilli, basil and egg

18 แพนงลูกชิ้น Paneng Lokchin °°°(Recommended)238:-

Thai meatballs in paneng curry cooked with coconut milk and kaffir lime leaves and topped with bell peppers, yellow onions and haricots verts

Hot iron plate (Recommended)

19 ซีฟู้ดจานร้อน Seafood Jann Roon °°258:-

Marinated mixed seafood with Thai spices and herbs

20 เนื้อจานร้อน Nuea Jann Roon °°258:-

Marinated beef fillet in Thai spices and herbs

21 กุ้งจานร้อน Goong Jann Roon °°258:-

Marinated scampi in Thai spices and herbs

22 เป็ดจานร้อน Ped Jann Roon °°258:-

Marinated duck with Thai spices and herbs

23 ไก่จานร้อน Gai Jann Roon °°258:-

Marinated chicken with Thai spices and herbs

Chicken dishes

24 แกงเผ็ดไก่ Gaeng Phed Gai °°°238:-

Chicken in red curry and coconut milk

25 แกงเขียวหวานไก่ Gaeng Khiew Wan Gai °°°238:-

Chicken in green curry and coconut milk

26 แกงแพนงไก่ Gaeng Paneng Gai °°°248:-

Chicken in paneng curry and coconut milk

27 แกงมัสมั่นไก่ Gaeng Massaman Gai °° (Recommended)238:-

Chicken in massaman curry and coconut milk, topped with cashew nuts

28 ไก่ผัดเม็ดมะม่วง Gai Paad Meat Ma Muang °238:-

Stir-fried chicken with vegetables and cashew nuts

29 ไก่ผัดผักกระเทียมพริกไท Gai Paad Pak Grathiam Prig Thai °248:-

Stir-fried chicken with vegetables, garlic and pepper

30 กะเพราไก่กับไข่ดาว Gai Grapao °°° (Recommended)248:-

Stir-fried chicken with wild onion, chilli, basil and egg

31 ลาบไก่ Lab Gai °°°°238:-

Minced chicken meat with dried chilli, red onion, coriander and roasted rice

32 ไก่ย่างขมิ้น Gai Yang 238:-

Thai grilled chicken with chilli powder sauce

33 ผัดไทยไก่ Paad Thai Gai238:-

Stir-fried rice noodles or glass noodles with chicken, egg, tofu, vegetables and bean sprouts, topped with crushed peanuts and lime wedge

Ox fillet dishes

34 แกงเผ็ดเนื้อ Gaeng Phed Nuea °°°248:-

Beef fillet in red curry and coconut milk

35 เนื้อผัดเม็ดมะม่วง Nuea Paad Meat Ma Muang °°248:-

Stir-fried beef fillet with vegetables and cashew nuts

36 กะเพราเนื้อกับไข่ดาว Nuea Paad Bai Grapao °°° (Recommended)258:-

Stir-fried beef fillet with garlic, chilli, basil and egg

37 ก๋วยเตื๋ยวเนื้อลูกชิ้นเนื้อ Kuay Teaw Nua228:-

Rice noodle soup with beef thai meatballs and bean sprouts

Duck dishes (Recommended)

38 แกงเผ็ดเป็ดย่าง Gaeng Phed Ped Yang °°° 248:-

Fried duck in red curry and coconut milk

39 เป็ดย่าง Ped Yang248:-

Thai style roast duck with vegetables

40 กะเพราเป็ดกับไข่ดาว Ped Phad Bai Grapao °°° 258:-

Wokked duck with garlic, chilli, basil and egg

41 ลาบเป็ด Lab Ped °°°°248:-

Minced duck meat with dried chilli, red onion, coriander and roasted rice

42 ข้าวหน้าเป็ด Kao Na Ped °248:-

Young roast duck on rice bed

43 ก๋วยเตื๋ยวเป็ด Kuay Teaw Ped 228:-

Rice noodle soup with bean sprouts and duck

Pork fillet

44 ไข่เจียวหมูสับ Thai Omelette188:-

Thai omelette with pork mince

45 หมูปิ้ง Moo Ping 238:-

Thai grilled meat

46 ลาบหมู Lab Moo °°°°238:-

Minced Pork with dried chilli, red onion, coriander and roasted rice

47 กะเพราหมูสับกับไข่ดาว Grapao Moo °°° (Recommended)248:-

Wokat Pork mince with hot basil, chilli, garlic and egg

48 กะเพราหมูกรอบกับไข่ดาว Grapao Moo Grop °°° (Recommended)248:-

Wok fried pork belly with hot basil, chilli, garlic and egg

49 ก๋วยเตื๋ยวหมูลูกชิ้นหมู Kuay Teaw Moo228:-

Rice noodle soup with pork, Thai pork buns and bean sprouts

Scampi dishes

50 แกงเขียวหวานกุ้ง Gaeng Khiew Wan Goong °°°248:-

Scampi in green curry and coconut milk

51 แกงมัสมั่นกุ้ง Gaeng Massaman Goong °°248:-

Scampi in massaman curry and coconut milk, topped with cashew nuts

52 กุ้งผัดเม็ดมะม่วง Goong Paad Meat Ma Muang °°248:-

Stir-fried scampi with vegetables and cashew nuts

53 กุ้งเปรี้ยวหวาน Goong Priew Wan 248:-

Wokad scampi with vegetables in Thai sweet and sour sauce

54 ผัดไทยกุ้งสดห่อไข่ Paad Thai Goong (Recommended)258:-

Stir-fried rice noodles or glass noodles with scampi, egg, tofu, vegetables and bean sprouts, topped with crushed peanuts and lime wedge

Fish dishes

55 ฉูฉี่ปลานิล Chu Chee Tilapia °°°258:-

Whole fried black tilapia fish with red curry sauce

56 ปลาทับทิมทอดกระเทียมพริกไทย Pla Tod Gratiam °°°258:-

Whole fried red tilapia fish with garlic and pepper, with hot chilli sauce

57 ปลาทับทิมราดพริกสามรส Pla Tod Rad Prik °°°258:-

Whole fried red tilapia fish with Thai sauce

58 ห่อหมกปลาแซลมอน Ha Mok Pla °°°258:-

Steamed salmon with curry paste


Starter / Main course

59 ปอเปี๊ยะผัก Poh Piah Paak ° 88:- 188:-

Vegetarian spring rolls with sweet chilli sauce

60 เต้าหู้ทอดกับน้ำสะเต๊ะ Tao ho tod nam sate ° 98:- 208:-

Deep fried tofu with peanut sauce

61 ส้มตำเจ Soom Taam Papaya salad °°° 118:- 248:-

Vegetarian Thai papaya salad with chilli, lime juice and peanuts

62 แกงเผ็ดผัก Gaeng Phed Pak °°° 188:-

Vegetables and black beans in red curry and coconut milk

63 มัสมั่นผัก Massaman Pak °°188:-

Vegetables and black beans in massaman curry and coconut milk,topped with cashew nuts

64 ผัดผักเม็ดมะม่วง Pak Paad Meat Ma Muang° 188:-

Stir-fried vegetables and black beans with cashew nuts

65 ผัดผักน้ำสะเต๊ะ Pad Pak Nam Satay ° 188:-

Stir-fried vegetables and black beans with peanut sauce

66 ข้าวผัดไข่กับผัก Khao Paad Pak 188:-

Fried rice with vegetables and egg

67 ผัดไทยไข่กับผัก Paad Thai Pak 188:-

Stir-fried rice noodles or glass noodles with vegetables, egg and bean sprouts,

topped with crushed peanuts and lime wedge

Add Tofu to any of the dishes above +30:-

If you want something else, we can adapt our other dishes to vegetarian or with tofu. One of our chefs is vegan himself so we are happy to help you find a good alternative.

Children's menu

68 ข้าวผัดไก่ Khao Paad Gai 148:-

Fried rice with egg, vegetables and chicken

69 สะเต๊ะไก่ Satay Gai°148:-

Barbecue skewers of chicken fillet with peanut sauce

70 ไก่ผัดผักน้ำมันหอย Gai Paad Pak Namhoi 148:-

Stir-fried chicken with vegetables in oyster sauce

71 ปอเปี๊ยะผัก Poh Piah Paak °148:-

Vegetarian spring rolls with sweet chilli sauce


ไอศครีมโมจิ Mochi ice cream 98:-

ไอศครีมมะพร้าว Coco ice cream 118:-

ไอศครีมกับกล้วยหอมทอด 128:-

Fried banana with ice cream

ไอศครีมมะม่วงข้าวเหนียวมูน 128:-

Mango ice cream sticky rice

โรตีไอศครีม ice cream Roti 118:-

ทับทิมกรอบ 118:-

Water Chestnuts in syrup coconut milk

บัวลอย รวมมิตร 108:-

Riceballs in sweet coconut milk